
Wyoming “Abortion Tourism” has arrived

Wyoming “Abortion Tourism” has arrived

 A quick search on the website AbortionFinder.org shows us that at least three private foundations are now offering money to women from other states to travel to Wyoming and get an abortion.

Why is this happening?

Wyoming law makes us one of the few states where abortion is legal up to the point of viability, which can be up to 26 weeks old.  This means Wyoming’s inability to protect unborn children puts us in the same category as the most pro-abortion states in the country like California and New York.

How did we get here?

After Roe v. Wade was overturned and returned the issue back to the states, Wyoming state lawmakers swiftly and overwhelmingly (81%) passed HB 152, Life is a Human Right Act.  This bill repealed existing viability statues while leaving exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the life of the pregnant women.  However, a group of pro-abortion advocates immediately filed a lawsuit challenging the new law including:

An abortion clinic in Casper, WY 

An abortion doctor from California now living in Jackson

A Wyoming based nonprofit that provides money for abortion tourism in Wyoming 

Strategically filed in liberal Teton County’s 9th District Court, Judge Melissa Owens has yet to make a ruling as to the law’s constitutionality a year and a half later.  The fallout to this delay has been nothing less than catastrophic as Wyoming has now joined other states as a viable destination for abortion tourism. 

Is this the future we want for Wyoming?