
Tell us about your property taxes

Tell us about your property taxes

🔴Property Tax Increases Hurting Wyomingites: We’ve been hearing from many of you about the staggering increases in property tax bills landing in your mailboxes. It’s alarming, and it’s time to take action.

🔍 After digging into the numbers, the reality is stark:
⚠️ from 2021 to 2023, property taxes in Wyoming surged by a staggering 71%
⚠️ while personal income only grew by 9%.

🤡 Disconnected from ordinary folks: This shows a remarkable disconnect between our lawmakers and everyday folks they are supposed to serve. Wyomingites are feeling the squeeze, and we need relief.

💪 Honor Wyoming is here to help: We know that helping alleviate your budget is a common sense way to help empower your American Dream, and that’s why we are committed to helping reduce property taxes across our state. But we can’t do it alone.

🗣️ Next steps: We must use our voices, tell our stories, and show our lawmakers how their decision to raise property taxes is hurting the very folks they’re supposed to serve.

⬇️Lend your voice, fill out the form: Fill out the form below and tell us how property tax increases have affected you. 

Tell us how your property taxes are affecting you