
Tell Harshman: Stop Property Tax Hikes

Tell Harshman: Stop Property Tax Hikes

🚨Attention, Wyoming taxpayers! Our homes are under threat.🚨

In a matter of days, a bill that will guarantee property tax hikes for years to come (House Bill 18) will be sent to the Wyoming House Revenue Committee. 

When our community contacted Committee Chairman Steve Harshman to stop the bill, he told us that the bill “controls increases.” 

That’s classic political talk.

Mr. Chairman: An increase is still an increase. And Wyoming families CANNOT bear the burden of higher property taxes. 

Click below to call Rep. Steve Harshman directly, and tell him Wyoming families can’t afford higher property taxes. ⬇️

Call Committee Chairman Steve Harshman: (307) 456-7207

As always, please be respectful when contacting elected officials. Be an example of the values you seek in our elected officials.